
Hey y'all,
          	So sorry I haven't update Scars in ages, a lot has been going on and I've kind of lost motivation for it.
          	I'm leaving it up to all of you to decide on whether I should carry it on or not, so just reply with what you think, it would be a big help
          	Also, if anyone has any ideas on a chapter (or chapters) for it, let me know and if I like what you've written and it goes with how I want the story to go, I can totally add it (and I'll tag whoever wrote it at the top ofc)
          	So just let me know what y'all think about whether or not I should carry on with Scars 


Hey y'all,
          So sorry I haven't update Scars in ages, a lot has been going on and I've kind of lost motivation for it.
          I'm leaving it up to all of you to decide on whether I should carry it on or not, so just reply with what you think, it would be a big help
          Also, if anyone has any ideas on a chapter (or chapters) for it, let me know and if I like what you've written and it goes with how I want the story to go, I can totally add it (and I'll tag whoever wrote it at the top ofc)
          So just let me know what y'all think about whether or not I should carry on with Scars 


Season's greetings and happy holidays to you all! :) 


@dogsrule975 Oh my god, thank you so much, that really means a lot!! :)


@Ace_Enby Oh good hope you update soonyou are a great writer!


@dogsrule975  Hi yes I'm still alive, just been busy with exams and work at the moment. I'll be updating soon probably 


THANKS FOR READING my American Made story and voting for it! It means the world to me!!!! ♡♡♡♡ 


@AlexCooper250 It sounds really interesting, I'll definitely check it out :) 


Hey! Thanks for reading and voteing for my storys! ^^


@ MoniqueDragonfly  Awww thanks! Thank you so much. That truely means a lot to me! 


@MoniqueDragonfly No problem! They're awesome!  