
Waking up and rising from the ashes of despair is the hardest thing to do... If you've ever lost something dear to you this is for you so in other words this is for everyone dont ever be afraid to try dont ever let anyone hold you nack be the person you wanna be otherwise you'll live in regret well you'll live like me so this message is for everyone. Love, forgive, be happy, and don't hurt others because you're hurg bevause it always ends with everyone hurting and not enough love to go around


Waking up and rising from the ashes of despair is the hardest thing to do... If you've ever lost something dear to you this is for you so in other words this is for everyone dont ever be afraid to try dont ever let anyone hold you nack be the person you wanna be otherwise you'll live in regret well you'll live like me so this message is for everyone. Love, forgive, be happy, and don't hurt others because you're hurg bevause it always ends with everyone hurting and not enough love to go around


Do you ever just have that sibling that's 7 years younger than you get he criticises every single step you take? Yeah, me too


then you understand the struggle


Legit my sister is seven years younger than me


Just posted the first story part to Spider-Man and I wanna see what you guys can come up with by asking you guys to draw up Spider-Man suits and then whichever ones stand out to me and are most original will be used as chapter art and I will have three or four of my friends who will also be taking these so when they agree I will shout them out and if you want yours to be used your best chances will be to send them to all of us Good luck!!! I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!!!!!


I changed my picture and I know it doesn't match my name but I love it and so if you wanna diss it you're also dissing Spider-Man and by dissing Spider-Man you're also dissing millions of people who love him so I wouldn't try it if I were you (humble warning)