Some things cant be answered.  Like why im here, or how did i get here
Love can answer
The hardest questions
But nightmares are real
Even in the realest reality
But dreams keep going
No matter how may times you die

More Stuff Bout' Me!
Fav Anime: Diabolik Lovers
Age: ???
Fav Song: Mad Hatter
Are you still reading this?

Other Things
I love Subaru Sakamaki.
I cant speak another language
I can sing
My Best friends are all guys
Why are you still Reading this

This is actually going to be a page where i take all request! My stories will Be ones requested my all of you!
  • In My Bed Sleeping
  • انضمSeptember 9, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
ActuallyDreaming ActuallyDreaming Feb 02, 2018 04:18PM
Hey guys!!!  I'm kind of really bored. And...yea
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Dream
The Ending بقلم ActuallyDreaming
The Ending
A once wealthy girl is caught in the apocalypse. She only has her best friend/ butler Nao. On their journey t...
+5 أكثر
1 قائمة قراءة