
Hello to whoever reads this but I am the original owner of this account, I have left this account last year for personal reasons. I appreciate all of your love for this book but it really is horrible, I know that I could've done better but I was a kid back then. I never really know what I was writing and instead of being smart, I copied other people's stories and not crediting the original book, I deeply apologize for my awful act. I agree that my grammar is not the best and I apologize for that too. But I’ve moved from the past and logged out of this account since back then I used to hate it and left the MHA community since I used to receive so much hate to the point I had to log out. I was a coward and I just really hated my account and myself so yeah. To my regards for anyone that gave love to this book, thank you very much. And if you wanna know if I’m still in the MHA fandom then the answer is yes and no. I come back but I think I will never join the fandom since it was just too toxic for me but I know that there are nontoxic people out there but I just can't. I do watch the show, but I hate the fandom so I’m sorry again for anything that I have caused. 


hey! I just wanted you to know that I really like your story! don’t listen to the picky critics and the haters. if you love what you are writing, that’s all you need! I’d love to see more from you, but again, no pressure. great job! ❤️