
          	Hi! Thanks for the message!
          	I completely relate to existing for boys with beanies!
          	I've never been a big fan of skirts. I'm more of a dark washed jeans kinda girl.
          	I really like what you put about the ocean and how it's so beautiful. That is extremely true. 
          	I adore reading and writing, but as you can tell I seem to be lacking in that area of expertise as of now.
          	And it's alright if you talk about religion. I'm Christian, but I respect all faiths.
          	And my username is an old nickname I have required through my years of existing. And a random number.
          	Message me anytime! I enjoy talking to people.


I mean considering John Green is listed on my heroes and all my fics are based of Percy Jackson characters... yes you could assume that I have read those books.


@ohthatbooknerd Sorry about school. And it's alright that your atheist. I've never liked shoving my religion down people's throats. So I tend to avoid doing it, unless I see a just cause in it.
          	  Thanks about my username. I've been wanting to change it. It's the title of my tumblr page as well. 
          	  I think I wrote something you might like. If you don't mind would you consider reading it?
          	  Have you ever read The Fault In Our Stars? Or any of the Percy Jackson series?


Dark washed jeans. Cool, cool. 
          	  Yeah.... it may or may not have been one in the morning when I wrote that rant... so.... it may or may not have weird as shit stuff 
          	  'as I can tall' nah aw man, you use correct grammar and everything, lovin' it. 
          	  Christianity, cool, cool. You got a nasty atheist over here oops
          	  You changed your username, poops. I like it better now though. And you picture is amazing. 
          	  Yeah I have to go to school now byeeeee


          Hi! Thanks for the message!
          I completely relate to existing for boys with beanies!
          I've never been a big fan of skirts. I'm more of a dark washed jeans kinda girl.
          I really like what you put about the ocean and how it's so beautiful. That is extremely true. 
          I adore reading and writing, but as you can tell I seem to be lacking in that area of expertise as of now.
          And it's alright if you talk about religion. I'm Christian, but I respect all faiths.
          And my username is an old nickname I have required through my years of existing. And a random number.
          Message me anytime! I enjoy talking to people.


I mean considering John Green is listed on my heroes and all my fics are based of Percy Jackson characters... yes you could assume that I have read those books.


@ohthatbooknerd Sorry about school. And it's alright that your atheist. I've never liked shoving my religion down people's throats. So I tend to avoid doing it, unless I see a just cause in it.
            Thanks about my username. I've been wanting to change it. It's the title of my tumblr page as well. 
            I think I wrote something you might like. If you don't mind would you consider reading it?
            Have you ever read The Fault In Our Stars? Or any of the Percy Jackson series?


Dark washed jeans. Cool, cool. 
            Yeah.... it may or may not have been one in the morning when I wrote that rant... so.... it may or may not have weird as shit stuff 
            'as I can tall' nah aw man, you use correct grammar and everything, lovin' it. 
            Christianity, cool, cool. You got a nasty atheist over here oops
            You changed your username, poops. I like it better now though. And you picture is amazing. 
            Yeah I have to go to school now byeeeee


          I don't know why I'm on your page, but you don't have any messages here so eh why not. 
          I wonder what you username means 
          Imagine Dragons is pretty cool 
          ... so are cats .... 
          Glasses are pretty cool.
          I plan on falling in love with someone with light eyes, dark hair, maybe glasses, nice shirts, beanies, shirts that I can steal, sadness, happiness, ugh idk even know what this is. 
          I promise I'm not on drugs, either. 
          I just.... wanted to pop in. 
          I'm doing this all too often... but... nobody ever replies. 
          I would say that wants to make me to it more but thats not true it just makes me sad. 
          Sadness is like the sea
          ... it's beautiful .... 
          .... it's dangerous .... 
          ... it slowly gets bigger/smaller ... 
          ... it's more dramatic in the dark .... 
          I'm sorry. 
          TOTALLY off topic. 
          Skirts are nice. 
          You know, like the flowered ones with designs.
          Or the flow-y ones with the black elastic strip. 
          Or the tight ones that makes thighs look hella sexy 
          Or the long ones with patches that makes you look like a hippie
          Or the short slutty cheerleader ones. 
          Yeah they're all great tbh. 
          Girls who messily braid their hair are the reason for my existence. 
          Boys with beanies are the reason for my existence. 