
hey guys omg i’m so sorry for being gone for like- ever, but i just logged back on and thank you sosososo much for all the love!! i’m so grateful 


Hey guys! I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything, I really need to focus on shoot right now, but I’ve been working on a couple books when I can. 


@Addicted_Sac take all the time you need 


Hey guys,  I’ve decided I’m not going to do the sequel to Broken. I might do it later this year but not right now, I’m working on a few other things for you guys they’ll most likely be out within 6 months. I’m having a hard time rn so you’ll just have to give me some patience please ❤️


Hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading my books! I’m currently working on two books at the moment. One is the long awaited sequel to Broken and the other is actually a new book about a girls journey with an eating disorder. I wouldn’t recommend reading it if you are in recovery or working towards recovery. It is very triggering. Thank you all again. Bye! Love you my little jellybeans!


@Sav____o_0 you should take over @Mellybutts book "Family Isn't Just Blood moree often thx! P.S. I laughed at your chapter in it lol


@lizzy_sunshine_days it's no problem at all, if anything now I see why what I wrote on this page could be considered offensive, so thank you for bringing this to me...


@Ilovefreakingyoutube Sorry, i took it the wrong way. Sorry for the trouble


@lizzy_sunshine_days I meant no offense, I was just stating that I enjoyed the chapter- I really enjoy Mel's writing...