I like reading but more writing it helps me meditate knowing I can show what's in my mind to other people, I never really wrote for a lot of people to read but always enjoyed feedbacks and criticism I also like drawing and describing what I feel wile looking or even creating my own pictures.
  • Curepe
  • Đã tham giaJuly 10, 2015

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
AdriShallow AdriShallow Mar 03, 2016 07:31AM
These days school have been a serious pain no time for myself but its almost to the end of the first half so could get back to writing new chapters soon
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Truyện của Adri Shallow
I'm in trouble bởi AdriShallow
I'm in trouble
dreams that never stop
landed bởi AdriShallow
one loyal member betrayed looking for revenge
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