Been awhile, hasn't it? I see Wattpad is pretty much dead at this point... But maybe there's a few of you still out there that remember me.
Two years can change so damn much; I go by Aero now and my preferred pronouns are he/him. I have a loving partner who is the Sidon to my Link~ I couldn't possibly be more happier with life.
Those that I talked to years ago knew me as a suicidal, depressed, teenage girl. That's not who I am anymore and I'd like to start fresh.
Hello! My name is Aero! I am trans masculine, and prefer he/him pronouns! Yes, I have depression and anxiety, paired with ADHD and bipolar disorder, but I have a handle on them now.
I decided to get back on here because my creative side needed to be soothed. Recently, I started playing LoZ: BotW, and I fell in love with the idea of Link/Sidon. So stay tuned for a book soon!
To anyone who knew me before I disappeared, message me! I'd love to get back in touch!