


@Afilliated1  Wow... It seems the T.W.L.I. is quite malevolent after all. At least they don't seek to exterminate humans.


@Afilliated1 I have one more lore question: What is life like in the T.W.L.I.-occupied nations? Is it better, or is it similar to Germany during World War II?


@Afilliated1  How many nations are still fighting against the T.W.L.I., and are there any resistance groups in the occupied nations?


@Afilliated! Hey Bro! Outside of A'spola, K'lof and the Sea People's Republic, Are there any more Anthro nations out there who are more friendly to Human's?


@Afilliated1 Also, I hope I don't annoy you with these questions', I'm very interested in your setting since you make Anthro's feel more different than the rest culture wise.


@Blueshadesguy Thank you! No annoyance, always fun to answer.


@Afilliated1 Hey man! This is my final question for the month, so I wanted to make it a good one.
          How different do you think the world of WOTR would have turned out if the Japanese Empire had never attacked Anno?
          1.Could the absence of that attack have shifted the geopolitical balance in a way that might have prevented World War III or IV?
          2.What might the timeline/world look like if the Japanese Empire focused on the US only instead of Anno?
          3.How might the cultural and technological evolution of the WOTR world differ without the war initiated by the Japanese Empire's attack on Anno?
          4.If the Japanese Empire had refrained from attacking Anno, what kind of long-term alliances or rivalries could have formed in its place?
          Anyways these are the last questions for a LONG time!


@Blueshadesguy Yup!
            If so Anno would have never taken over the Empire, the Japanese wouldn't have focused on the US as they never attacked pearl harbor because of Annos location blocking then from doing so.
            The Japanese if they had not attacked Anno would go undeterred in conquering Asia, and attack the USSR along with the other Axis powers, American intervention in Asia would have never happened as fast  if at all. The USSR would be fighting on two fronts, leading to a possible collapse and Axis victory on mainland Europe.
            Regarding the A Bomb, by this point both the US and Germany may have it and might have demonstrated it leading into a Cold War.
            The Allies would have lost if Anno did not interfere with Japan, the factions would be.
            Fascist Europe
            Empire of Japan
            Unites States
            United Kingdom 
            Anthro Union.
            Japan and Fascist Europe would have control of a large portions of the continent, and African colonies, leading into a Western isolationism.
            The potential Alliance may be between the west seeking an Alliance in Anno in a battle of Ideologies against the old world or vice versa.
            By this point it may be 1955-1960


@GranitMuli Sure! 
          Wellll, I'm no writing expert or that good at it, but for pure hatred that we know, I've read all of factions, CH 1 and CH 2 so i mightbe wrong on a few things. 
          This type of writing style is hard to give advice on because of your intentions when writing, compared to the way I might go about it but... 
          The POV can be confusing at times, it'll describe things in first person, then jump to 3rd.
          The factions part was really well written. However, to the chapters I went up to, it was a little choppy at times. I recommend grammarly with grammar. This is also a preference for me, and may differ to you, but at times the writing is direct when describing things etc, it would help envision the story when being a little more descriptive on sounds the overall environment and whatnot.
          I haven't gotten that far into the story but at times I could see where it was going, and then it goes there, like when Nathen gets captured by the UFR and turns out to be a kid, but however is still forced into joining them, and wheres a collar, it's clear where the inspiration draws from, and things seemed to move way too fast.
          But I write for fun and I'm sure you do to, and at the end of the day it's nothing serious so keep doing you Granit! But that's all for "advice"!


@Afilliated1 Hey there! I’ve got a few questions about the human work camps and their implications. Hope you don’t mind diving into some deeper details!
          1. Would the treatment of human detainees significantly improve if they were held in nations that are known to be more human-friendly, like Klof or A'spola?
          2.If better treatment were to occur, how might it influence FAM activity?
          3.How would CLAW respond to such developments?


@@Blueshadesguy Yes and no, as shown, not all ADO camps follow AU orders, while some follow them to T, others do not, given their distance from any higher authority. The camps are supposed to be detention centers, not work, or death camps, but as shown, ADO exploits them for labor and sales them to CLAW and bidders.
            So some camps are far better and are similar to gated, guarded, curfew communities with rules. While others auction, use, and abuse detainees and are far worse.


@Afilliated1 I do wonder what happened to the detainees when HACA was established, where they released or are they just still in the camps?


@Blueshadesguy Yeah, if they were held inside, yes! However, there are no work camps on Anno. All of them are off continent and are managed by the ADO who are mercenaries from all over. It wouldn't influence FAM at all! They would view them the same, although they may be more merciful. CLAW works and are customers with the ADO at times, like in the FAM chapters, so there won't be much change in their actions.


This are some great answers dude! But I got some last questions for the month
          1.How would the psychological and philosophical implications of "The Merge" affect individuals and societies on both sides?
          2.How would the teleported nations adapt to WOTR’s fragmented technological and societal structure?
          3.How might long-standing prejudices and ideologies within WOTR influence their response to the teleported populations?
          4.What role would propaganda play in shaping public perception of the Mergers?
          5.What would be the existential implications of "The Merge" for both humanity and the Anthros?


@Blueshadesguy this fire, this gonna be the first sentence in new chapter


@Afilliated1 Sup man! I've actually made some memes for WOTR in the AlternateHistory Subreddit
            Take a look! :


@Blueshadesguy Each nation would adapt in a different way, whether it be trying to reconnect to the teleported nations and work with or go against the local authority.
            They would be viewed the same way as they are in the story, however most of the AU population have been "trained" to dislike humans and vice versa.
            Propaganda, whether saviors from another world coming to reinforce the armies of humanity for all mankind or "sli'mea, skinners who come to threaten our way of life" maybe peace bringers, or uninformed disconnected individuals.
            The implications, maybe more parallel  worlds exist, or a freak time warp?