Love reading any genre 
Hit me up if you have a story that needs to be read
New story am trying to write and the writers block is real
The authors name is melanin sauce oo1 which i changed to afropik so dont be alarmed if come across the book.
My december and 2019 resolution is to finish the book
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  • Дата регистрацииJanuary 28, 2017

Последнее сообщение
Afropik Afropik May 07, 2018 08:35AM
Thank you for following me and reading my book.hope you enjoy
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Истории от itsher
The untold от Afropik
The untold
Little mix is a household name but people know just of our music but they dont know of our struggles in life...
Modern Queen от Afropik
Modern Queen
Nobody wants to date a" fat" girl Surrounded by fake people and snooby people Cassie does not even...
2 Списка для чтения