Hey! :D if you’re looking for something to read, would you mind giving my book, “Hotel De Siempre” a read? Let me know what you think! :) also is there a book you’d like me to read that you are working on?
Hi there! Thank you so much for adding The Professor's Girl to your reading list. I really hope you enjoy it ♡ If you do, please don't hesitate to leave a comment and let me know! And give me a follow if you're looking for similar stories in the future ;)
You can also follow me on Twitter, @ HarleyLaroux.
I love getting to connect with readers (and fellow writers too!) ♡
Happy reading! ♡♡♡
Thank you, thank you so much for following me!!
I hope you get time to check out my books! They are Romance and are called Guilty Desires and I Crave You!!
If you like, do try them out, but it's completely upto you!!
Have an awesome day. Because YOU are awesome!! ❤
Hi, I don’t promote my books at all. You just have to be patient. My story Calla’s Poison has gained the most attention it’s been on Wattpad for about a year. They say if you comment and vote for other stories other people will check you out. Also being consistent with a posting schedule. I am not consistent with a posting schedule I get so excited to share my work. But be patient readers will find your work.