
I lied. Not deleting. Don't feel like it. Just not using this account anymore.


Okay, guys... I think I'm deleting this account. I'm really self-conscious about stuff and I don't need people to see my garbage writing. I'll be saving the poems and possibly even rewriting Lost, but other than that, I have to say that this account kinda flops. I mean, it was great as a first account to get me familiar with Wattpad and to practice my writing, but my books are kinda garbage, plus I haven't updated in forever.
          But despair not, comrades! (Not sure if you were actually despairing. And no, I don't know why I said it like that. Shush and watch the movie, children.) I will be starting a new account! You'll be able to find me as Scintillate214 shortly  :) (Got the idea from my friend)
          Thanks to the like...two or three of you who actively read my crap. Especially thanks to:
          @CutieCorn9 ~ my friend Derika. Thanks for letting me help with your poetry, and thanks for helping with mine
          @WonderShow31 ~ my friend Madi. Thanks for encouraging me to always keep going and do my best.
          @LarinzMultifandom ~ my new friend Lara. My first overseas friend and fellow fangirl. Thanks for geeking with me and putting up with my weirdo American-ness
          Yep! Find me at Scintillate214 (u better I'll find you)
          Thanks for reading, and remember to eat your greens.


@AhsokaTano810  If you can just post urself as a tag I'll follow youuuu :)


Just letting you guys know, Wattpad is trying out some new things, and some people's books and chapters are getting deleted if they don't follow the Guidelines and Rules and such. If this happens to you and you know you didn't do anything wrong, you can contact them about it. 
          I personally suggest saving all your chapters to a separate platform like google docs as well as Wattpad just in case.
          I don't blame WattPad for this, the kinks are working themselves out. Whatever happens happens.
          And thanks to @LarinzMultifandom for letting all your followers know about this and for handling it so maturely.


Hello, humans. So, I just created a One-Shot book. It'll have one-shots from all my fandoms.
          I know what you're thinking: "Wait a minute, you just said you're gonna delete Blood and now there's a new book?"
          This book is actually just for when I'm bored or need ideas.
          The one-shots in this book may be able to help me with ideas for other books as well. Some of them might even end up being in my books.
          So, yeah. Tomorrow, I'll be publishing that.
          K Bye.


Hi people!
          Let's cut right to the chase: I'm unpublishing Blood as of the end of August. 
          The thing is, this book...it sucks. I also have very few ideas for where I want to go with the story. Another thing is that I really want to try and focus my efforts on the Rebel Plague series and those stories. Those plots are a little more clear in my head and the one I have out now, though not great, is definitely better than this one.
          Someday I might finish Blood and repost it (or just rewrite it entirely. But for now, I'm going to try my best to focus on Lost and the other Rebel Plague books coming in the future. 
          -New chapters from Lost
          -New Rebel Plague books (after I finish Lost)
          -New poems in my poetry book
          ~I'm also going to start working on making a song with one of my friends soon, the lyrics to which will be posted in my poetry book. Keep an eye out for that in the near future.
          Sorry about this; stuff is just getting really hectic, especially with school starting up in a couple weeks, and I have a bunch of NJHS stuff to do. I'll try my best to put up new Lost chapters soon
          Eat your greens!
          (PS I'm changing my name to AhsokaTano810 cuz my current name is dumb and also 8/10/08 is when Ahsoka made her first appearance soooooo....)


Hey, People!  Sorry I haven't been updating, but I just haven't been able to find the time to just sit down and write. Plus... the usual writer's block.
          As you most likely know, it's been forever and a half since I updated Blood. So if anyone has any ideas, feel free to message me.
          K that's it.
          See you guys later, and remember...
          wear your seatbelt, and stay hydrated
          (I've been obsessed with the animation squad lately, shut up.)
          Remember to eat your greens and not blow tiny European hotel room fuses with mini rice cookers.


          My sister and I already have all our theories in line you guys
          GET AWN MA LEVEL
          just go watch the fricking trailer. It starts with freaking REX. that's all you need to know.
          TRS Anakin hair is fabulous


@LarinzMultifandom yeah. Lool at the plating on her skirt, both in the trailer and in Rebels. That with the chest plate just screams Mandalorian. Plus, I mean, it would make sense, seeing that she needed some not-Jedi clothes and that shes probably been on Mandalore for a little while


@Ahsoka1021Tano Wait, so Ahsoka's clothes are MANDALORIAN?