I am going to quit Wattpad, I will publish my last project under the name
The Lore and Histories of the Large World of Radgummn
And it will not be on Wattpad
I am going to quit Wattpad, I will publish my last project under the name
The Lore and Histories of the Large World of Radgummn
And it will not be on Wattpad
I'm gonna be offline for a while because I am working on something very big, so big, that I will consider it nearly an official book. Instead of posting it in chapters, I will publish it all at once. The plan is to make a Draft, add details, review, add more stinkin' adjectives, re-review then slap a shiny little bow on it and send it out.
If you look hard at chapter 8 of lonely road, you may find a few easter eggs hidden throughout the text, one goes to an author, a video game, and some other subjects that lay out this wacky universe
I will try to get at least one new chapter for a book each week, there was one last week, and there will be one this week, next week, and so on (I hope)