
I know you don't want pity and I'm not giving it to you I'm give you strength my older sister was raped when she was a teenager by our neighbour she never got better but i thought she did because of all her medications it wasn't until that day 2 years ago that i understood why she did it why she stopped taking the pills why she left this world. You could have done that but you didnt and for that i give you strength not pity. Rest in Peace Elizabeth 1997- 2014


I read your description and I swear, we are too much alike. Are you sure you're not stalking me? Just kidding, I'm Sarah.


 Hello Sarah, I'm Alex. And, yeah, that tends to happen with a lot of people, lol. I guess I just have a lot in common with a bunch of people, I guess? If that makes sense? Haha. 