
Hey everyone, this is my first time on Wattpad in several months. Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments, and thank you for adding some of my works to your reading lists. It makes me happy to see that people have been enjoying some of my meager writings. Thank you all so much. 


Hey everyone, this is my first time on Wattpad in several months. Thank you for the reads, votes, and comments, and thank you for adding some of my works to your reading lists. It makes me happy to see that people have been enjoying some of my meager writings. Thank you all so much. 


Thank you guys for the reads and feedback on my works, I really appreciate it. For those that follow my story "Disorder in the Palace, Love Blossoms," I am thinking of changing the name for it because it is very long, but I am currently working on the next chapter, so it should be done shortly. Thank you for all of your patience and taking your time to read that story, as well as my other works.  Have a great day/night, and thank you again.


Dear everyone who follows me,
          I don't usually do this, but I want to thank all of you for following me and sticking with me. I appreciate all of the comments and votes you leave on my stories. I don't usually comment and for the longest time I was actually afraid of voting on stories, so I greatly appreciate it when you guys vote and comment on my works because that was (and still is) me. Again, I can't thank all of you enough for the votes and comments you leave on my works, and it brings me great pleasure to know that someone actually enjoyed something I wrote. So once again, I thank each and every one of you.