
@bl4kr0z3 your welcome, also, thanks, I am, I try my hardest, and I think I deserve everything I have, I am pretty accomplished, the restaraunts were passed down to me from my father retiring, and yeah, my BF took me to the Hinder and Green Day concert, my friend Dazy took me to Lady Gaga's Monster Ball, it was fun. P.S. I love your story


@bl4kr0z3 your welcome, also, thanks, I am, I try my hardest, and I think I deserve everything I have, I am pretty accomplished, the restaraunts were passed down to me from my father retiring, and yeah, my BF took me to the Hinder and Green Day concert, my friend Dazy took me to Lady Gaga's Monster Ball, it was fun. P.S. I love your story


hey, i am sorry i cant get on that often, but im trying, buisness is very busy this time a year, plus i have to juggle traveling between thirteen states, and England, and Australia, plus finding time to be with my bf, so imma try to upload tomorrow, or later tonight since its like midnight where i am now