@Alexagyasi Truth is, the answer is what President Kennedy called "the high tide on which all boats rise". If you're counting individual followers you're too desperate. It looks like from total number movement, maybe the Princess lost 3 or 4 followers last week: I don't know who they are and wattpad do not report that in an accessible way.
But here is what is important: the total for the week was up about 5. What does that mean? The 3 or 4 unfollowers were replaced AND maybe 2 new ones joined on. So the unfollowers literally don't matter if your total is rising.
So engage with your followers. Answer their notifications and you give them new notifications regularly. Give them reasons to follow like promoting their books and following back. They want a relationship on wattpad especially not just announcements of new Chapters and "Read my book! PLEASE read my book!" style marketing. Then, if your totals are rising, forget the unfollowers. If not, change your strategy.