
Hello beautiful people. 
          	Wattpad changed quite a lot since the last time I was posting stories. In a good way though, eh?
          	So who's still around, who wants to read?


Hello beautiful people. 
          Wattpad changed quite a lot since the last time I was posting stories. In a good way though, eh?
          So who's still around, who wants to read?


Good afternoon my beautiful people! 
          How are you all doing today? 
          To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I should at all post this or not today. My main concern was not to be a bother, as I don't really have any news about my writing. 
          But on the other hand I do admit it’s been a while and I do want to touch base with you.
          So in short, I decided to tell you what’s going on in my life anyway. 
          Right, today in London we are having a whooping 27 C degrees (81 Fahrenheit), and trust me, we are all complaining. It’s just too hot.
          Now, what’s been happening in my life in the first half of this year (oh yes, it’s June in a few days already). 
          A few things:
          I went skiing in Bulgaria in January, which was amazeballs! 
          I also kinda changed my job. I became a lecturer in Business, which is great; it opened a few doors of other opportunities for me. But also got hold of my free time at home as I now have to do extra work which is part of the teaching. So… yeah. Not sure how to process it. This teaching thing it’s still up in the air.
          I attended a seminar in April, Unleash Your Power with Tony Robbins (we also had Pitbull as a guest, who was out of this world!) and it was life changing. Four days of intensive high-energy stuff - I’ve never been to anything similar. 
          And finally, I am writing again and hopefully will have something in the pipeline for you to read soon, if you are up to it.   
          As well as romance, I’m also writing a crime novel (entwined with love, of course). 
          So, yeah. That's me. 
          What’s happening in your life? Do jot me a few lines and tell me what's up.


Hi everyone
          It’s been a while since my last newsletter – Trust me, I'm only thinking about you. I don’t want to bore you to death, really. :) 
          So anyway, what have you been up to? Do email me back, I'd love to hear from you. 
          As for me, I've been doing many things. Writing, reading, teaching, opening a coffee shop, doing workshops on how to find love, and um.. I think that’s it.
          Oh, and setting up my relationship workshop online so other people can benefit, too. But more on that once it’s ready.
          Now the reason I’m writing today is because of my Advent Calendar for Grown-ups, which has become something of a tradition for Christmas for the romance/ erotica authors!
          The fun thing is that anyone can participate  - You'd only need to submit 400-500 words of your work (current or past) and I’ll do the rest.
          So AUTHORS, would you like to be part of the Advent Calendar for Grown-ups?
          Third year in the running, the Advent Calendar for Grown-Ups has become a place where many readers / publishers can see your work - last December it generated around a thousand views (to some of you that number is maybe not a lot but still, it's a big number), the only downside is that the submissions are limited to 25!  ( December - 1st to 25th)
          Please feel free to check out the calendar from last year 

          and if any of you would like to participate, you can do it via this link:

          Of course, as always I would be grateful if you share this post (or parts of it) on your social media, or just find me online and share / re-tweet my post from there.
          That's all for the moment, hope you are enjoying autumn and the cold weather coming. 
          Alexandra xx


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