I am so sorry guys, but I am taking a break from WP. I will be back in the future, but I do not know when.
Yes, I have taken my published works down, and these will be back up once I have returned from my break from WP.
I am so sorry that I have to do this, but I do.
Please don't ask questions, and don't worry.
I have other things in life that need to come first, and I will return as soon as I feel that I can, and will tell you all when I do.
Stay strong, stay weird, and don't take sh!t from anyone.
For now, goodbye, my amazing Potatolings.
I love you all, and thank you so much for the support and appreciation you have shown, or even if you just made me laugh by joining a random lyric chain somewhere.
Thank you.
Forever and always,
~ Ali Morna / Adrenaline Scar cx.