G'day JJ
Do you have time to enjoy reading my poetry collection ECLECTIC RHETORIC?
I write in a variety of poetic forms.
I assure you if you like poetry it's worth a look.
I would truly appreciate it if you could find time.
Have a great day.
Scott from Melbourne in Australia
Awww it totally okay. I enjoyed it A LOT. Reading ur stuff. Getting to know you. Getting to realize I am not alone and that there is someone who understands me.Gives me a lot of hope.
N by saying I made ur day you have made the the happiest person. U made my day :)
And darling it okay try to take it slow. You should try promoting ur stuff. How will people read it if they dnt know about it!
So my dear little sister raise ur chin high and dont let ur beautiful tiara and smile fall :)
whatever that mean :p
(*Its a mix of things I read I guess.)