if you're here stalking my profile that probably means u want to know a little about me right?
ok where should I begin....
I am weird..super weird and really random,I like to experiment with my food but I am really afraid of changes..yh changes scare me..*quivers
I am super friendly and the type of person u can talk to when u need someone. I am trust worthy.
I know I am a girl and all but I really hate gossiping... infact I find it really annoying like why do u think I want to sit and listen to u rant about ppl's business.
I'm family oriented,yup for me family comes first.. if ur my friend and we're super close then I might consider u as my family.
music is my drug and I'm addicted to it.a single day can't pass and u won't hear me singing. yup I love to sing and I am good at it if I may say so myself☺.
I don't like to argue.arguing takes up too much time and too much energy, I simply ignore.
I love arts.
I love to read,write,sing,swim and I also love playing video games and doing research.oh wait did I mention that I love to write songs as well? well there I said it yup!
I'm a feminist so if ur a guy and u don't know how to respect women or treat them fairly then don't bother to follow me.plz
and if ur a woman or girl and u don't have respect for urself and u let men or boys push and pull u as they like then don't bother to follow me.plz
I love Glee rest in peace Finn (Chris)
that's is just a sum of the type of person that I am.don't forget to hit that follow button
- InscritNovember 18, 2015
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