Hey everyone!! Okay so I'm not the best writer but I want to be! So I'm thinking of a good story to write and I will start a rough draft soon. And then ill figure out how to get my story on wattpad for all y'all to read ;)

About me!!¡!¡!¡!¡! :)

* I DON'T LIKE CHEEEESE!! even though I live in wisconsin
* I LOOOVVEE cookies! Especially chocolate chip, chips ahoy, and Oreos XD
* when I'm tired I laugh at EVERYTHING
* I love my friends, I would do anythin for them! <3
* Im not a big fan of my immediate family... I mean , you try living with them! No? Didn't think so.
* if I could have any pet in the world! It would be a uniconcorn, or a dragon, or a dinosaur, or a vampire, or a dampire which is a dinosaur + vampire!
* Ima total chocohaulic. If you try to steal my chocolate, unless I really love you, I will probably bite you
* I bite, so watch out
* I'm CrAzY.
* I love the big bang theory. " I am not crazy, my mother had me tested!"
* I'm totally lame
* I eat all the time, like right now I'm eating a bear shaped pancake. and last night I ate a 1 pound hamburger and all my fries
* I wear a belt with all of my jeans even if I don't need one
* I'm really weird , ask anyone
* I'm 14 and I throw fits like a child
* my initials spell BAM
* I love roller coasters and waterslides
* I watch cartoons and 2 of my favorites are spongebob squarepants and bubble guppies
* I have brown hair and brown eyes
* the doodlebops freak me out
* when I like a guy I tend to stalk him, but I'm super ninja about it so he don't even know ;)
* unlike most people I love Justin Bieber (I don't understand why people don't like him?)
* I like Black Veil Brides- Knives and Pens
3 doors down- most songs
Hollywood Undead- No. 5, Everywhere I Go
One Direction- all songs so far
Evanesance- bring me to life
* I don't think I've ever liked just ONE guy at a time
* I love running. <3 I did cross country for my first two years of middle school and Track for all 3 years
*I'm 5'5" and 107
  • Right behind you ;)
  • DołączyłJune 11, 2012


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