
Honestly my future children will watch shows I grew up with, none of today's crap. I had Out of the box, Bear in the blue house and PBJ and otter. I know there are more but I listed the most memorable for me. 


I am officially back on wattpad. I plan on getting my follower count back.  A hater made me lose over 1k followers. She was a friend who turned  into a fake friend and later I realized a toxic kpop fan.. long story short she got pissed every time I had the same bias and bias wrecker as her.  She did me wrong and cost me so much on here. I had to end up blocking her here and on discord... she was rude half the time to me.


I might comeback to wattpad. I am unsure right now. I have been really busy with work and unmotivated lately. 


@Allie_Loves_Hendery well it's okay to be unsure everyone deals that feeling.
            As along as you're happy with it then that's all that sure matter.