I like anime, marvel, en especial Loki❤❤ (bello), I'm in love with Transformers fanfictions, Harry Potter
A lot of things
  • انضمJanuary 21, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
Alondra_1018 Alondra_1018 Apr 28, 2017 01:08AM
I really want to spend more time in watpad...but school wont let me 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Alondra Maldo
Hope (TFP fanfic) بقلم Alondra_1018
Hope (TFP fanfic)
In the darkest moments of hopelessness, of loneliness,of suffering, of anything; there will always be a spark...
+9 أكثر
13 قوائم قراءة