Hi, call me Alora!
3 things about me:
1. Animes are awesome (chibis are da BEST!)
2. *mumble: 'I draw and have an art book....'
*turns around frantically "WHAT?! I totally DID NOT self advertise!" ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
(Might re-upload the art book again soon!!!)
(DO NOT copyright my artwork, no art theft please)
3. I am lazy (sometimes) (-_-)zzz (_ _).。o○
But I still write stories on wattpad on time IF I am not on 'hiatus'
SOME of the BEST people you will ever meet on here:
•@sapphiremoon921 (aka: awkward burrito!!!)
•@mysticaldawn (YASSS!!!!!)
•@twilightcupcakes (FOLLOW THESE PEOPLE!!!)
(More awesome people in my 'following' list!)
It'd be great if you follow them and follow me too!
And like all amines say when they 'bid farewell and say to come back soon':
*Alora's Vision: "Sayonara peeps!"
Yes I ruined the moment...
Darn it.
- Дата регистрацииMarch 24, 2016
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I'll be back to writing on here later! ~( ^_^)/~~~Посмотреть все беседы
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