
I know it must be confusing for some people for why I'm posting some of my other stories when I said I was going to be working on only Soulbinder for a while well with the accepion of A New Heart I noticed my stories where still listed under my old username and was trying to see if it did that for all of my stories written before the name change and it seems like it does but my friends tell me my stories all appear to them under my new name so I'm not sure what to make of this.


I know it must be confusing for some people for why I'm posting some of my other stories when I said I was going to be working on only Soulbinder for a while well with the accepion of A New Heart I noticed my stories where still listed under my old username and was trying to see if it did that for all of my stories written before the name change and it seems like it does but my friends tell me my stories all appear to them under my new name so I'm not sure what to make of this.


Well according to a friend of mine when they read my stories my new username pops up but for whatever reason when I read it, it still comes up as ZimaLolan so I'm not sure what's going on but if it just shows up like that for me and no one else I can live with that.


I just wanted to say the new story I posted I may not actually update for the time being I only really posted it right now because for whatever reason my tags and synopsis keep disappearing unless I post it plus the first chapter is really just a first person retelling of the story it's based on so, yeah.


I would like to apologize to those reading Soulbinder, I did say I would be working on my stories everyday not necessarily posting but working on them but I'll admit I haven't been for the past few days you see a friend of mine recently lost all the data on a story he was writing but I happened to read his story and remember all the events that took place so I'm currently making a recap for him so he can make sure he didn't forget anything and I wanted to get it done as soon as possible and I think I'm almost done and afterwards I'll get back to it but more good news I may change my mind about what I said before and actually start working on the revision of Ravenwood as well. I also finished editing Hellish and might repost those chapters as well.


So I'm going to be continuing my revision of Souldbinder, but once I'm done with it I will likely also be revising Ravenwood, but I probably won't be working on my other stories for a while because I'll be working on Soulbinder.


I am currently working on Soulbinder again I tried my hand at it and while I feel I did good on the prologue I'm just not good at third person it confuses me when I try to write it so I'm revising it back to first person then finally moving on to the chapter.


So here's the thing I don't usually get political, I have political views obviously everyone does but I choose not to talk about them outside of close family and friends. But I'm pretty sure we've all heard about the disaster that is Ajit Pai and his plans for Net neutrality come this 14th of December if you're not aware of it basically he's moving to get rid of freedom on the internet. For more information well just go on YouTube and type in net neutrality, personally I think The Humanist Report gives pretty good information but here are a few links to get you informed. 



          Now if you want to do something about it, it can be a simple as calling your congressman or using this link right before, congress can stop him and if make enough calls they have to do something. Spread this around, every phone call helps.


Hello everyone, it's been a while but, I will be working on my stories again soon and I may revise Ravenwood so it might be taken down for a little while. Doing some major work on Soulbinder and I will continue work on both Beyond Sight and Hellish. I might actually come up with a schedule for when chapters will be posted for each, maybe if I can stick to it.