Hi friend! 

Always LuCi here. I'm an avid reader and writer who spends most of her time daydreaming about book characters, capturing pictures of sunsets and making graphics.

I hail from the beautiful Democratic Republic of Congo, but I'm currently living in South Africa. So yes, you can guess it: I'm kinda multilingual (note the kinda). I can understand 3 other languages: French, Lingala and Afrikaans, but only able to speak... Let's leave the speaking for another day, shall we? 😂😅

I write addictive multicultural and interracial new adult romance that would leave you laughing excessively, ranting, crying, awwing, pulling out your hair and falling in love all at the same time! These stories may or may not result in binge reading and sleepless nights. So read at your own risk😅.

Find me here:

For Business or other enquiry: alwaysluci@gmail.com
  • South Africa
  • InscritOctober 18, 2015

Dernier message
AlwaysLuCi AlwaysLuCi Jan 15, 2024 12:29PM
Beautiful friends,How are you and what are you currently reading? I need stories to add to my reading list and start reading from next week.
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