I have now published the first five chapters of The Heckard Family. It is getting some reads, slowly, but surely. I am just going to continue writing and adding in my archives. Every time I get a couple more reads on my story I add another chapter. I have enough in my archives where the updates are seemingly regular. I don't have a set schedule of releasing a new chapter because I don't have a set schedule in my life. I won't know if I am busy one day or what will transpire, so I don't want to get ahead of myself and continue posting new chapters to keep up with a set schedule if I haven't done much writing. My goal right now is to continue writing and just gaining more chapters, so that if my book gets big and eventually a following, I can add chapters on a schedule and not be worried about posting more chapters than I have written in my archives! That's just me expressing my thoughts, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, share, vote, comment on my NEW STORY: The Heckard Family!
  • Atlanta, Ga
  • DołączyłNovember 23, 2012

Ostatnia Wiadomość

Dzieło autorstwa Amaraaaaaa
The Heckard Family autorstwa AmaraBanks
The Heckard Family
A family of thirteen people. Two parents. Eleven kids. The youngest child being Leiland Raye Heckard, a ninet...
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