
Hello beautiful how are you doing hope good.  Pls can someone suggest a very good book for me, either completed ones or constantly updating ones, am kind of bored here❤️



Slm sis ykk ygd dan Allah naga kunyi magana da me littafin MULKI KO SARAUTA book2 dan Allah ta turo miki dinne


@madinaabalan eh na canza waya ma bayan nagama karantawa, sai dai na turo maki numbernta


@Amieeyratuh_abdull Ok ngd sosai kin gogeshi kenan dan allah ya ina kike ganin zan samu


@madinaabalan Wkslm yes ta turo min Amman ya dade


Hi there! I hope you're doing good. So uhm, I was going through my followers and I came across yours, I realized that you haven't been keeping up with my books, XD. I understand that real life can be hectic sometimes but if you ever get the chance, please do not hesitate and I'd very much appreciate it if you check out my books!
          They are;
          “The Bluemoon Ball,” Fantasy(Novella)
          “A Demon A Day” Paranormal 
          “Of Monsters and Of Men||BWWM" Paranormal, Fantasy and urban. Nigerian romance. 
          “The Love Job” Nigerian romance. 
          Thanks ❤❤
          I look forward to your votes/comments and reviews. 


Hello... If you are accepting reading
          requests... Then please do check my books...
          → Is This Love?  #1 in love series)
          → Can I get you back
          → My Life ✔️
          → The Shattered Innocence ✔️
          → Forced to be Yours
          → Real beauty✔️
          Exclusively on INKITT:-
          → Mi Amore
          → Healing his broken heart
          Hope you like these stories... Positive
          feedback is appreciated...


@HaasaVadana Hi, thanks for the invite  i will  surely check them out 