I went to go check up on you and your profile page since I haven't been hearing from you, just find out that this account is closing very soon. (Somehow i didn't get the announcement) Two years ago, around this month I believe, I came across your "Adorable & Funny SasuSaku Pictures" book. Our mutual friend, SakuraLynn, encouraged me to give it a read since she knew I loved the ship so much, so I gladly gave it a go. My twelve year old self fangirled over all of the pictures your chapters provided to my hearts content. What extremely suprised me though, was when you actually responded to my comments. I rarely got any type of acknowledgement from anyone on this app besides the few followers that I had, so when I got a handful of notifications, that were all replies from you to my very comments, I was overjoyed. After that it was pretty much history. The amount of support you've granted me was immense. Wether it be on my writing or my graphics. You were usually one of the first people to acknowledge my work, and I made sure to do the same. Some might say that we wouldn't have been considered "close". I don't think I've ever messaged you about anything on Wattpad even once, although that's only because I was shy and I thought I would have no idea what to talk about with you. Even without messaging you, I hope you know that I had great admiration for you. I adored the graphics and your oneshots never failed to inspire me. Sometimes after reading one of yours, I'd rush onto Google Docs and start to write. I never knew what i wanted to write, so I'd never get far, but your writing always made me develop the urge to write s o m e t h i n g.

@Akaijo yes omg i've been doing great!!! i don't plan on reviving my wattpad or anything but i can't believe i left your comment unreplied so long, it really made my day waa. hope you've been doing well too!! <3

@AmuzeMint ) when I saw this notification I literally almost screamed. I love you too and miss you more!! I hope everything's been faring you well, especially with last year being quite a mess lol <3