Hello!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't been active in like, 4 months haha but I just want to let you guys know a few things, as a way to explain why I haven't been around.
I'm 17 and I'm from Romania, but for the year 2016-2017 I'm in Italy to do an exchange year programm. It initiated for me in September, 9th to be exact. And I've been Italy for the past 3 months and a half, but you have to understand that I basically left all my friends and my family and came here for an year to be part of an italian family that were total strangers at first. So I had to put in a lot of effort in the first months. I also had to learn the language because I arrived without knowing anything besides "Ciao" and "Come stai?". But now I'm fluent enough in italian after 3 months and that means I actually have an idea what I'm talking about when I use italian words in my book haha, how beautiful.
Anyway I'm incredibly happy here and now my life is slowly starting to take a shape here too, I started making friends and getting along with my host family very well and everything is going nicely so I also have some time to dedicate to writing, which you have to believe me, I've missed terribly.
Just one thing: I still won't post for a little while, maybe a month or maybe less. Because I want to have some chapters written already before I initate posting again, just so I won't have to make you guys wait a lot again.
I hope you're still around and not mad at me!! I miss you and Wattpad. <33