Dear Friends, after returning from the studio, where we had spent more than a month recording a new album, it is with a sense of vertigo that I revisit this site. Compared to my other social media profiles, this is certainly the ugly duckling. I am considering shutting it down and continuing work on these texts in some other way.
I have had lots of valuable feedback in the time I spent on Wattpad. I have learned, to my astonishment, that the most popular text on this site - "It's Always Friday Somewhere in the Universe" had been the one I took least seriously. Other texts, like "Twitter Dawn", have become almost entirely obsolete due to changes in the IT industry and other factors. As for "Nineteen Eighty Foreplay" - my ideas about feminism and the battle of the sexes have evolved since I started this novel, and I'm not sure the slapstick approach is the best. Human evil, or "male and female" evil, is a more subtle terrain to navigate. If one wants to create a truly nasty woman character, why make her a gross Medusa-like monster when creating a Hilary Clinton would be so much more scary?
As for "The Bronkhorstspruit Book of the Dead" - I quite like this one, and some of you do too. I need your advice... should I carry on with it? And in what form? As a blog? If you want to read more of this, I will post a link here, or on Twitter, as soon as it is up and going.
Thank you for bearing with my uncertainty and self-doubt! Any feedback would be appreciated! Thank you!