
I'm already bored I have so many inread stories but as soon as I start one I get bored of it easily. I have many stories that I enjoy but I absolutely love series reading and I need a great series to read that doesn't easily put me to sleep.


Thanks for the follow.  I just had a quick look through your reading lists, wow, lots for me to read. Thank you so much.


@Wolfielick @Wolfielick not many wolf based story but I'm reading one which I am enjoying it is called  Those in the forest. FYI Your name gave me a heart attack I thought you were my ex Luna her name is Wolfie I had to check out your profile to make sure.  lol


Hello so I thought I’d chance my arm and see if you want to read another- this is my first attempt at a full length novel. It’s more crime thriller than romance although there is a fair wlw element to it (pun intended). This is also a story I have considered self publishing so- let me know if you think it’s worth it 


@GrayLivingstone I hate to write, I am actually taking and English comp class cause it is a requirement and the professor asked what mu relationship like with writing and I straight up told him, I hate writing. I hate writing my feelings, I hate texting, it is frustrating to me to write and I have always struggle with it. However, I LOVE to read !


@Ange654gon do you never write yourself? 



@GrayLivingstone thank you for giving me something enjoyable to read!


@Ange654gon - hi thanks for the feedback I will take that in mind. I have heard your comments before regarding another story I wrote. So maybe I will have to think about how I frame things up. I’m glad that overall you enjoyed the story. If you wish there are others completed. Thank you for taking the time to read, and feedback. :) 


@GrayLivingstone  I've finished the story.  I've replaced your story from Nit have read yet to Rate: 8. I put uner 8 only because 1. It took 11 days for me to get pass the first chapter,  I Stull couldn't and had to completely skip it (my own opinion not the same fir everyone) I feel like the first chapter just had too much going on and I couldn't figure out who was who exactly and what they looked like exactly it felt all over the place. (Again, just my thoughts, everyone has different reading and writing styles.) 2ndly, in my opinion I had to do alot of stopping and reading because I would get lost at who is speaking at the moment I wouldn't know if it was still Rea speaking or if it transitioned to Haleys speaking and thought process, however as I continued reading I had spotted your style in telling who is speaking what. Who is thinking what, and who deserves their ass getting handed to them. Once I figured that out reading the story went smoothly. OVERALL! I absolutely enjoyed the story, perfect amount of tension not too dramatic and not too boring maybe a bit too quickly but not something too concerning. Your effort in this is truly appreciated, thank you for your creativity. 


I'm already bored I have so many inread stories but as soon as I start one I get bored of it easily. I have many stories that I enjoy but I absolutely love series reading and I need a great series to read that doesn't easily put me to sleep.


Hey if you are still taking requests &would like to check out my story “Saving Sloane” (its wlw) I would rlly appreciate it (: much love <3


@daxria3 just added you on tik tok and checked out your website, I think I'm going to start reading tonight. 


@Ange654gon Thank you so much! I really appreciate you <3


@daxria3 might take me a little bit but I will definitely check it out. 


Damn, so many books!!!! I am going to have to reorganize this because I forgot which book I already starred reading and waiting for updates on other books kinda messing me up because I have to go back a few chapters to remind myself what is going on and then my rating on it changes a bit at times. So, I am going to attempt to reorganize this again. 



@Rosies-Friend I forgot to let you know that I rated your story an 8. It was fantastic and interesting so much I finished it in 2 days I didn't want to stop reading. Story line was easy to follow and it was overly dramatic and it wasn't boring as well. Smut wasn't to to boring but not as intriguing perfect for the libraries with no controversy unlike the book 50 shades if Gray lol so if you decide to publish (as you should) I would definitely get a hardcover. 


@Rosies-Friend  yay! I can not wait to start reading this !