
@GeorgetteT I love all your books, your ideas are great! As u must have noticed I have read all your content so far and would love to read more! Keep it up


@AngelEnchantress Thank you so much for reading all my books, you are amazing! Your votes means so much and I hope to keep writing in the future!


Hey AngelEnchantress~~Thanx for adding "The Tattooed Princess" to your list. You won't be disappointed. But be careful, this two-book saga can be a bit addictive. :)
          Feel free to message me anytime.


Thank you very much for reading and voting on Iron and Ashes. I apologize for the lack of content for now, but rest assured that there's lots more to come. Might I ask how you found the book? I tried looking for it using the Discover function, and even among hundreds and hundreds of similarly themed books, I still didn't spot Iron and Ashes.


Ohhh! Yes, my dad did actually tell me that he's been advertising my book (without me asking him to, mind you). But, if you enjoyed it so far, it was worth it!


My mom works with your dad funnily enough and suggested I try it since I like live on Wattpad. But ya, definitely do more research into that. It's been amazing so far! 