
Summer came!!! Thankfully I'll be able to update and communicate with u all more❤️


I'm baaaack! So I have an iPhone and I had to update it so I could continue using Wattpad buuuttt I had no space whatsoever so finally, after spending a shįt load of time deleting a ton of pics, videos, and apps.... I COULD FINALLY DO THE UPDATE AND DOWNLOAD WP AGAIN!!!!!! I love you all and I've missed ya'll tremendously❤


Tbh I haven't given up on my books, there's just a lot on my plate so I'm trying to write drafts and then publish batches but yeah.... Everything around here on reality world is quite extra hectic :'( but please don't give up on me❤️


@AngelaRodz no way!!! Your to nice, sweet, kind, brave, exotic,cute, you at you


So trying to type again all I had typed:
          Not necessarily to say, my mom took me out of that school and although it hurt me incredibly I know it was the right thing.
          I'm not taking meds anymore (since like three or four months), because my prescription already ended, and my mom has literally no time in her schedule (and it is true so I don't blame her) to wait a whole day in his office for him to attend us or say "Oh you have no appointment so I can only schedule you for next month" or something like that, and his office is shared with other differently specialized doctors so you have people there of all ages with different syndromes or diseases and everyone's just on the same room with their different problems, some just sick that are coughing and and sneezing and wheezing and others just with their poker face and others are really really old people with oxygen tanks or bone failures? Something like that.. Point is no one stands each other because everyone is there for different reasons and the waiting room is WAY WAY too small for like thirty people waiting and others outside...


Again, continuation of last message: 
          So I told mom and then we went to the counselor, and we went to the principal because one of my "closest friends" was one of the first ones to talk bullseye and so everyone gossiped because "if her best friend says so". Not only she did that, she told me it had been the teacher, and she told my other friend too also. So mom and I were practically ABOUT to sue the teacher, but then the teacher told us what happened and one of the guys (which is like a brother to me) told me that the teacher never said anything, that every integrant of the group was gossiping on their own about it, and the teacher stopped it. Not necessarily to say, my mom took me out of that school, although it hurt me incredibly, I knew it was the right thing. 
          My psychologist told me my release could be soon. 
          I learned more stuff about my nasty 'father'. 
          I haven't been able to go to school bc my sister is pregnant, mom is on some hospital situations about followups after cancer and well... I am studying via email... And I am not able to concentrate one bit. It's like everything goes blow after blow and there's no way to escape or cope, and that was the second reason why I started self harming, the first one was because I hated myself too much. 


Thank you lottles❤️❤️❤️ You too =* I luv ya❤️


You'll be okay :) you deserve happiness as much as anyone. Ignore everyone that's not willing to make you happy and think about YOU. Please stay strong <3


And this is the continuation of downstairs (lol) message, if not it would've been too long and WP wouldn't let me put it on my wall. 
          So as I was saying, Idrk if it was beneficial or a little step back; but anyhow I did it, I felt like I had to, to release some... Idk, Idrk how to explain it, but I had to at least visually see everything, because I was/am going crazy without doing it. 
          I went through hell at school. They made my "hospitalization and past situations" public. When no one knew really what was happening. They made up stories about me trying to suicide at school "many times"; about me self harming myself "for a long time, even before the school" and even pinpointed that "she cuts herself" what if I don't cut myself but burn myself? What if I don't cut myself but scratch myself? What if I don't fking do none of the above and they all made up the stories anyhow!? And this all comes from me wearing long sleeves, can't I fking love long sleeves in summer? I'm a hella weird person and I drink milkshake with any mofo meal, burgers, pizza, pasta, whichever; and not many people do that, BUT many people wear long sleeves and jackets bc they fking love how comfortable is! Still, everyone talked, everyone gossiped, everyone put me on front page of every conversation and when I was back, Everyone Asked. 


Hello again! So as you all (or many) know, I'm going through recovery (this has been tough as hell btw). Well thanks to this, my parents prohibited me to use Wattpad (big mistake they didn't know were making), making my recovery process hella worse bc I couldn't count with all of you or help or talk to all of you (and you guys are practically a group therapy to me). So now my mom told me that I was free to use my phone without restrictions but that I had to be able to face consequences and I was like "Yeah yeah" and in just a month... I was googling self harm quotes... Yeah that wasn't good, but it kinda strengthen me or at least I believe so, that's what people say anyhow, "When you face your demons and don't give in, that gives you way more power than you thought you had"


I'll have to go back to my psychologist next month I believe ;-)


Kind of a lot to explain really, but I was hospitalized as an intern, then partially hospitalized (meaning I slept at my home and then for four and a half hour I went to hospital), then people at school made a mess, I couldn't connect here thxs to my parents and after being betrayed by the people I loved back at my old school, I changed from it to another one that is truly paradise thank goodness, and well I'm on the recovery path on my own x') 