😌The names Krystal with a "K" and yes.....I am crazy as the day  I was born.😁

But fear not I am sane just fun and always with my practical jokes.
I am 18 yrs old.Recent graduate from HELL! #highschool

♊So the horoscope says im gemini.Which means 2 two faced😐 And ill let you in on a secret.Sometimes....I put pepper in the ketchup bottle.
Dont tell anyone.shhhh

Anyways 😃I am a basically fun nerd.I love reading.But i guess you knew that cause I mean why else would i be in wattpad lol.

In a relationship with the yummiest guy ever.Almost 3 yrs.Dont know what I do without you teddy bear😍

I love music.💙Like Any kind literally.I listen to music back to the 60s and further sometimes😂.

So anywho long story short...Reading is fun once you have an imaginative mind.😌
I am yet to write a book myself.Ideas are still pending so when it does come out Your reads would be much appreciated.
So Follow me.I always follow back⬆⬇So youll know when I begin my story😍

Have a great time on wattpad yall.
Coco out!!!✌
  • Guyana
  • InscritMay 19, 2015

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AngelcakeIzzy AngelcakeIzzy Nov 24, 2016 08:02AM
To all readers ,i hereby send my apologies to you..I have fully discontinued the writing of Our Litttle Secret and Deaths Hallway .Im sorry I just got really stuck and the ideas werent flowing.I ha...
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