I don't like Dhar Mann or anything like that, but please watch this video - it has been blowing up because people are being bullied for many disabilities. And I am sure you all have seen this video by now.
It's about a girl with down syndrome who gets bullied simply for liking what she likes. That being unicorns.
And I have seen this video numerous times - and then it just shows; nobody is really safe from bullying. Please teach your children how to be respectful and not to bully others.
*We ain't talking about me bullying people to the point they leave because they're toxic*
I'm talking about so many people showing hatred towards someone who can't control what they have. Mentally or physically.
There was a golden rule that was spread around, "treat others the way you want to be treated." That is a form of Karma, do something good something good comes back in return - do something bad something bad happens to you. I don't understand why people always go with the whole thing of bullying and stuff like that.
I was bullied, then when I snapped back they played victim. I had issues with at least one person in every school I have been to - even teachers. I made the 5th grade social studies/science teacher quit (story time?). And any time I let them get to me or anything, they would know that.
Hell, there was even a time a girl nearly jumped me convinced by her "bestie" I was messing with her boyfriend - when it was the "bestie". Punched that bitch so hard in the tit her implant popped *joking*.
But, the matter of the fact is - bullying people is mostly never okay. Unless they're just a flat out disgusting individual.