You really wish to know,
what I do?
I must let it flow,
no matter what I do.
A poet at heart,
I am glad to say.
But I always do my part,
Come what may.
My stories I hope you enjoy,
for all the effort on my part.
All the words I employ,
appear directly at the start.
Please feel free to ask,
if you wonder about me at all.
It is merely my task,
to not allow expectations to fall.

Now that I have that out of my system, let me put it in words that people who aren't fans of poetry. I am willing to take requests and such. I write poetry, fanfiction (if that isn't obvious), and horror. I warn you that my horror is, shall we say, graphic. Then again, who doesn't enjoy a little gore every now and then. I am quite verbose, wordy, and overly descriptive. I am quite proud of that actually. I have many pasions, some of which may not even fit into this "About Me" section... People and their restrictions... ANYWHO! I shall give the other warning now. I. Am. Crazy. (Don't worry. It's not a BAD crazy. I haven't been put into any asylum yet. Yet...) Onto other more exciting bits of information. I am a mild gamer. I personally prefer games such as Skyrim, Oblivion, and other fun things. I have a couple of other sites that I use. and I intend to try and post everything here however. That will take a lot of time. if you are impatent, feel free to search me.
---> Chase4ever
---> Angelwriter3895
Please enjoy my stories.
Angel out!
PS ---> Yes I am pushing the character limit (like a boss!)
  • SumaliApril 9, 2013

Mga kuwento ni Catherine Henry