
Hello, everyone! 
          	Chapter 15: Crossroads is now published! It's a long chapter but rightfully deserved since I apologize for not updating for so long. School has been my main priority -- online school is not for me, and therefore, I've been struggling. I was supposed to publish this chapter at the start of March, but my workload had increased this month (I had essays due like every week), so it slipped out of my mind. Fortunately, I'm starting spring break, so I'll try my best to get on with the next chapter and publish it around 2-3 weeks from now. The long wait for the next chapter is because I want to give enough time for my editor -- a special shoutout to QuorraAvalon17 at Quotev. If you have a quotev account or just in general, check their account! Also, I'm going to stop making banners for this story because I'm starting to not like my edits, so expect notifications as I'll also be making edits to previous chapters! 
          	To all who voted, favored, followed, and commented while I was inactive -- Thank you so much! There were times where I wanted to give up and stop writing, but you guys kept me going! 


Hi! I love your book! Do you have any plans on keep on writing it?☺️


Thank you for your reply! Take your time, I’m looking forward to it☺️


@maria2311love Sorry for responding late, but thank you for your kind words! I plan to go back to writing in May, so hopefully, I'll post the next chapter in June.


Hello, everyone! 
          Chapter 15: Crossroads is now published! It's a long chapter but rightfully deserved since I apologize for not updating for so long. School has been my main priority -- online school is not for me, and therefore, I've been struggling. I was supposed to publish this chapter at the start of March, but my workload had increased this month (I had essays due like every week), so it slipped out of my mind. Fortunately, I'm starting spring break, so I'll try my best to get on with the next chapter and publish it around 2-3 weeks from now. The long wait for the next chapter is because I want to give enough time for my editor -- a special shoutout to QuorraAvalon17 at Quotev. If you have a quotev account or just in general, check their account! Also, I'm going to stop making banners for this story because I'm starting to not like my edits, so expect notifications as I'll also be making edits to previous chapters! 
          To all who voted, favored, followed, and commented while I was inactive -- Thank you so much! There were times where I wanted to give up and stop writing, but you guys kept me going! 


          Sorry for being MIA for the past several months, I know the last update was from July 25, but I wanted to take a break from writing as I've spent most of my summer break writing this story and recuperating from shoulder pains. Furthermore, I started online school at the end of August, which is taking most of my time. But the good news is, I've been trying to get ahead with my work, so I can spend more time writing as my goal is to finish this story by the end of the year (but I doubt that I'll reach this goal, so maybe early 2021?). 
          Even better news is that Quorra Avalon from Quotev has become the editor for La Vie En Rose, so be on the lookout for significant changes. She has done a tremendous job in editing, and I can't wait for you guys to read a better version of the story! 
          As I am writing this announcement, I also noticed that La Vie En Rose is #1 in the tag, #Worldwar2, so I am truly grateful for your support as I never expected it to reach this ranking as writing isn't my strongest talent. Nevertheless, thank you so much, and I hope all is well!


Chapter 14: Least Expected is posted! I would have published this chapter two days ago, but I've been having shoulder problems that resulted in the delay. For this reason, I will also delay creating and uploading Band of Brothers One-shots, as writing all day long is the main reason for the pain in my shoulder. Therefore, I'll be just focusing on writing La Vie En Rose, so I'll try my best to post another chapter next week!


Chapter 13: Replacements is posted! I am still open in receiving requests for one-shots, you can comment below or send me a message for a pairing/scenario. If not, I’ll still write up some in the meantime and post them in the upcoming weeks. Also, I am starting to create a storyline for my next story, just not sure if I should do the pairing with Richard Winters or another paratrooper? If you have a preference, don’t hesitate to tell me! Don’t worry, I’ll still focus on writing La Vie En Rose, just wanted to change it up a bit when I’m writing. 


Hi all, 
          Since my last post, I've been trying my best to finish up the next chapter, but writer's block is seriously making it difficult. The good news is that I will be able to publish it this week as I've been kicking my butt to write it. But I thought that maybe I'm in a rut and need a change. So I was wondering if I should write up some one-shots or start writing up my next story for Band of Brothers? Please comment below if interested in one-shots or what pairing for the next story!


Chapter 12: A Painful Reality is posted! Sorry, it took a while as I took a break to reflect and learn things regarding #BLM. Additionally, I didn't post earlier because it would be insensitive as there are other matters that need more attention. I hope you all understand and are staying safe out there!


A site I found relevant discussing the matters of black lives matter and how to help: #" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #</a> 
          Some people might find that Wattpad might not be the appropriate platform to discuss this issue. Still, I would be doing wrong if I didn't put my effort to spread awareness of this problem. Even though I do not have many followers on this page, it is necessary for each person to do their part to end this injustice. If you find that you do not want to be associated with this on my page, I don't mind that you would unfollow. 
          To everyone that is having difficulties during these trying times, I always like to remember the wise words of Major Richard Winters, "Hang Tough!"


There's a hyperlink in my bio if you are interested, as I tried to copy the link directly but it is not working!


          It's been a while, and I apologize for the very long wait. First and foremost, I would like to appreciate those who have supported La Vie En Rose during my hiatus. I would have thanked you individually in Chapter 11 (Part 2); however, I have lost count, but don't worry, your support is noted. As it has been a long time since I've been active, I feel obligated to give a reason for my absence. I have not been writing La Vie En Rose because I was focusing on my mental health. Over the past year and a few months ago, I was not in the right place mentally because I was experiencing significant changes in my life. To be honest, I am not a person who can adapt with ease, so the divergences have taken a toll on me. However, I am doing better at the moment and learning to accept the changes in my life. This is not an announcement that I will stop writing La Vie En Rose; it is reassurance that I am continuing this story until the end. It is my goal to complete La Vie En Rose and to write more, eventually creating my own novels. If you have read this far, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to read this message. With this being said, I will try my best to post frequently. 
          Best Regards, 