
YAY!!!!!!! 30 followers!!!!!!! If I'm being honest I never really imagine even getting past 5 maybe 10. Specially with how slow I am at updating my stories. But thank you to all who have followed me It makes me so happy to see that other people enjoy what I write so thank you! ♥︎♥︎♥︎


@NerdGuy00 And other times I'm just waiting for a book to be updated


YAY!!!!!!! 30 followers!!!!!!! If I'm being honest I never really imagine even getting past 5 maybe 10. Specially with how slow I am at updating my stories. But thank you to all who have followed me It makes me so happy to see that other people enjoy what I write so thank you! ♥︎♥︎♥︎


@NerdGuy00 And other times I'm just waiting for a book to be updated


So funny story........ (not really funny but whatever)...........
          My birthday was Thursday but on Thursdays my family has troop meetings. So I decided to go out for dinner on Sunday instead since my mom was off. Well after we got home I vomit because I too many pancakes and a milkshake. 1 morning later and now all my siblings are puking and having diarrhea. Either something is in those pancakes or we can't stomach Denny's pancakes. :'(
          At least I feel better after that 1 vomit last night.


Happy birthday to me! YAY!!! 18!!! Books will be updated at about 9:00am my time ( Central Florida) Good night, good morning, good afternoon wherever you may be. But for me Good night cause it is 1:30 AM


@Official_toothless Thank you ♥︎♥︎♥︎ that means a lot coming from Toothless ;-D


          Bye-bye 2024 hello 2025
          And yes I did pre-type this to post it exactly at midnight
          Be safe with the fireworks, don't get to drunk, and goodnight