this message may be offensive
Hello everyone!
I would like to say that I am very much alive! I have had a hard time lately, turns out that irony likes to screw me in the ass sometimes. Why? The day of my second dose, I feel a slight headache, not thinking much of it, thought it was because I was dehydrated. So I went to bed and woke up the next day feeling like I was dying, having the worst cold in my life! Something tells me to get tested, so I did, guess what? POSITIVE. The doctor tells me to quarantine myself for 10 days.
I found out that my cousin was asymptomatic the stupid fucker didn't know till the day after we met for his school project.
So yeah, I can't taste or smell a goddamn thing. Luckily, I was the only one of my siblings and my parents to get infected and the rest are in the clear. Though they look at me like I have the plague! 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。.
Everything is so tasteless I miss eating nachos, fucking nachos! I get cravings for the simplest of things and when I taste them, my body goes through a weird moment, like my eyes and brain recognize the thing I'm eating but my sense of taste is getting nothing and the message my brain is receiving is a confused question mark. Forcing me to eat more for me to satisfy this compelling craving, while in turn gaining weight.
Guys, I have been crying.
I mean yes, I can have it worse but let me tell you I'm getting anxious because I keep thinking I smell like crap. Ever since I contracted the virus I sweat a hell of a lot more than I used too and I get tired far more than before, to the point where I start to shake. I wake up coughing and sweating like crazy, I haven't hugged or seen my niece and nephew in a while. I felt so bad because hugging is something they both love to do, they facetime me once a day but it's not enough. I only leave my room when necessary now and I refuse to be in the same room with people regardless if they are wearing a mask.
I miss the basic human interactions now. (っ◞‸◟c).