Hey readers! Friends! People who stumbled across my page. I just want to let you know that I'm working on my ninth chapter to the story Saved By Music. Lovelots. Read it as soon as it comes out. Love you! xoxo <3
Hey readers! Friends! People who stumbled across my page. I just want to let you know that I'm working on my ninth chapter to the story Saved By Music. Lovelots. Read it as soon as it comes out. Love you! xoxo <3
Hey Mom, when am I going to see you? When are you coming home? (sakti bang grammar? NVM!) hey mom, I miss you so much also LolaTitaMommy :) Hope to see you soon, hugs and kisses to you and lolatitamommy :). Love you. Daughter nga gwapa kaayu.
Hey guys! Just wanted to tell you readers how happy and astonished I am. Thank you for reading and voting. I'll try my best in the next chapters I'm writing especially in "Painful"
Please continue reading and supporting my stories. I love you, my kittycats! <3
Lovelots guys! hugs&kisses xx
Thanks for following! Drop me a line if you want to chat :)
Happy holidays!
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| C | a | t | M | i | n | t | 5 |
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I'm planning on a story.... a story about how a love ended badly.
What do you think about that?
It's called "They Don't Know About Us" cliche, and cheesy but it's based on a true story.
Pumpin on this new chappie. haha! Havent posted in for a while. I know.... sorry! It's like 2 months? or so? Maybe?
Hope you're not mad and got tired with my stories.
Please do spread, :)