Hello my beautiful readers,
I must apologize for my delayed and poor upkeep of my stories,
To be transparent I had had been going through a very dark and truamatic period involving death and change.. it was difficult to write on topics of love and lust,
Corrupt King was where my mind was during the midest of this lost, I was filled with sorrow and rage and tried desperately to write through it
Its occured to me that its been years since Ive updated in the amount I used to.
I am having to re read each story and deterime where it is I left off, I hope to finally finish some of these cliffhangers and stories and I appriacte every single reader that has enjoyed my work. Logging back into wattpad has really brought me joy that I havent felt in sometime. Thank you to all the funny, positive, and engaging comments.
Dispite all this time I am greatful to each of u.
Thank you for supporting me.