
well hey pals look who's back yet again, I have returned from the abyss and am writing once more. it will probably end the way every other attempt has ended with my posting one chapter and then giving up but I've spent hours writing this today because I suddenly decided I want to be a writer again. I basically deleted my last story and rewrote it, so it's still a matty healy fic but I am now another two and a half years older (I'm 20 now, practically a granny) and I wanted to see what else I could do with it. I hope you like it friends if any of you are even still active on here, please give me feedback I need encouragement lols 
          	thank you lovelies <3


well hey pals look who's back yet again, I have returned from the abyss and am writing once more. it will probably end the way every other attempt has ended with my posting one chapter and then giving up but I've spent hours writing this today because I suddenly decided I want to be a writer again. I basically deleted my last story and rewrote it, so it's still a matty healy fic but I am now another two and a half years older (I'm 20 now, practically a granny) and I wanted to see what else I could do with it. I hope you like it friends if any of you are even still active on here, please give me feedback I need encouragement lols 
          thank you lovelies <3


I'm actually properly back after over a year with a whole new story whooaaoaoa. Idk if any of you saw my other post but to shorten it i'm basically never going to update either of my other stories because I think I have grown as a writer and those are for 15 year old me. I'm 17 now, almost 18, and not at college or school because I'm a drop out, and I've spent the last week doing almost nothing except writing so I really hope you all like what you read (if you read it.) It's a Matty Healy fic (because he is my secret lover) and it's a lot more mature than my other stories, and I think I'm quite proud of it. I still love you all, over a year later. Thankyou for taking the time to read this i love you all bbys


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WHOoOAaA look who returned, firstly im going to apologise for never updating my fics which im sure no one actually cares that much about. I am probably never going to update them again because they are old and I have grown in terms of what and how I write. secondly,  im writing a new fic which probably even less of you will care about because you all want atl and this is the 1975/matty healy. its a new idea and im very motivated and inspired so if and when I post the first chapters please please please take a quick look and give me some feedback bc I feel very new to thiw whole thing again. ur all fab and beautiful and thank you for reading my shit


WhOAa guys hey so I remembered this existed at college today and logged in and my Dan Howell fic has over 6,000 reads????? What? I am finally back and actually have the motivation to write. Please don't expect anything great or even good or even anything at all but if you're still reading and stuff up for updates please let me know bc I miss you all and I miss writing and you guys are all so kind and aw, so yeah. Maaaaybe a little somethin. Sorry for being away for so long, just, bad things. But all is okay now, I think, I hope. Thankyou to whoever reads and responds to this, ily. <3


Hey, I just wanted to say that I have so little motivation to write at the moment, I've tried so many times to update both stories but they come out so crappy and not worthy of publishing... I don't know what it is, I'm not particularly tired or unhappy, I just don't have any inspiration or the motivation to actually concentrate and write a whole chapter. So updates for both stories may take a while, please don't hate me. You guys are fab, ily. <3


Hey guys, I have to write a Phan fic for my friend (you most likely won't get to read it bc terrible) but can you help me out with ideas? I'm completely stuck and scared she's gonna not like it so if you guys could help me out I'd love you even more. Anything you can think of - characters, story lines, plot twists, random chapters, cute Phan moments, anything. Thankyou, ily guys. <3