@lifeisfuxxedup hello!
Thank you for your question.
Since I don't speak Thai, I can't offer you any advice on what might be a challenging aspect, what to expect etc.
But based on my knowledge of language and linguistics in general, my advice on a good way to start learning a new language (on your own, as far as I can tell), is by looking for a beginners coursebook at your nearest bookshop. Thai isn't in high demand at the moment, so it might be a challenge to find one.
Otherwise, try YouTube. Try typing in 'Thai for beginners' and watch a few vid on different channels until you find the right one for you. Be sure to always write down what you learn!
Otherwise, if you havent heard of 'italki' yet, I really recommend using it! Italki is a website or app where you can learn pretty much any language with a native speaker (or proficient teacher). Some can be expensive so use the filter to find ones that charge less if you're on a budget, otherwise you can learn a language without paying money but in return, you'd need to teach your first language (I'm assuming English is your native tongue, so if you feel up to it, you could always offer English conversation in exchange for Thai conversation!
Some extra tips:
-make sure you get some basic details about Thai, like what sounds it has that are different to the ones in your native language. Also understand where you want to get to in Thai, I.e what level, etc.
-start simple. So start learning the writing system, pronunciation, basic greetings and repeat them to yourself on a daily basis until you've memorised them.
-most importantly.. ENJOY YOURSELF!
Let me know if you have any more questions