
lol I'm back and my writing style has improved -- what horrible cringy work should I rewrite?


Hey, guys.
          I haven't really been active in a year or so. 
          TBH, Im not really into the whole fanfiction thing anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm still IN the fandoms that i wrote about.
          I still want a dam t-shirt
          I made a new account, and I'll be posting newer stuff. 
          Go follow me: @AbbeyisBored
          I love you guys, thank you so much, and cheers to a  new account! :)
          Your faithful author,
          Abbey <3


Hey guys,  it's me again. I know I haven't been on for a long time and I might not be on here very often anymore. This is because I have been doing nanowrimo 2015 and I really want to finish writing  the novel for this year and the third and final book in the chance series(they aren't the same book, lol.) so yeah I did finish writing delirious about a month ago, I'm just to lazy to finish posting chance...maybe when I get more time lol  oh and I will try to write some more on after Leo died and what if the heroes of Olympus discovered Facebook, so yeah. Thanks!


I'm so bored... -.- is anyone else bored? Also I had my first cross country meet today since last year and got 5th place. There were 10 girls in the race including me, so I could've done so much better if I pushed harder but smoke pollution from the forest fires everywhere got to me and I had an asthma attack. Go figure.


I'm arachnophobic. Just wanted to say that for no reason. :p


Wow that sounded wrong *dramatic facepalm*


At least, I think I'm your 21st


          As you can see, I may or may not be on a sugar high right now.  So happy summer! I'm really sorry I haven't been posting anything, I've been busy writing the sequel for Chance (Delirious) and have been also very lazy. Don't judge. I'm just gonna be honest, to all the people who like After Leo Died, I am so sorry, but I have no ideas! If there is something you would like to read in it, please feel free to PM me or write your ideas in the comments!  
          Thanks so much for all your support!