
Guysssssssss! Great newss My Princess is in the process of being translated in Italian!!! How amazing is this!! All compliments and generousity goes to @andris_books who has taken the time to translate the entire book! Please go show her some love❤️❤️


Hi, my name is Andreea and I live in Italy.
          Last month I read My Princess and loved it, you really wrote a beautiful book.
          A few days ago I was talking to some bookish friends of mine and I recommended your book to them, but some of them replied that they don't understand English and therefore couldn't read it. And that's why I'm writing to you, I wanted to ask you if I could translate your book into Italian and put it on Wattpad so that more people can know and read it.
          Obviously I will point out to everyone that the book is yours and that I am only translating it with your permission.
          Thank you for reading this message and I apologize if I disturbed you.


@andris_books Awww you are the sweetest! Please don't feel pressured when to start go at your own pace:) Can't wait for this lovely collaboration to come alive!!


Thank you so much, you are very kind, I honestly did not expect you to actually answer me and I am really happy that you did. I will definitely keep you updated during the translation, I will probably start this weekend. I followed you on Instagram where it is easier for me to message you, my name is andris_books


Hiiii! You haven't disturbed me at all! @andris_books This is such a beautiful thing that you are suggesting to do and of course, that is no problem with me at all:) I am more than happy to give you my permission to translate my story. I want to make sure everyone feels included and can read my books and I'm terribly sorry that your friends weren't able to do so but I'm very glad you're giving them this kind of help:) 
            I agree as well with making sure to let your Italian readers know about me so they can also follow up with any books that I write!
            Please feel free to message me privately on Wattpad or on Insta as you go along with the translating process and thank you once again for doing something like this it means a lot since I pride in making sure everyone feels included!


Hiiii My Lovesss
          Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer break as it slowly comes to an end:( I just wanna hop on here real quick to announce that during the summer I have come up with a new book!!!I'm so excited to be started something new and I hope you guys are going to enjoy it as well!!
          The cover and title will be released later today on my insta❤️❤️


Keep doing what you're doing now and don't let other people's opinions annoy you ,you are doing great and I like your stories so please continue your journey of being an author for others such as myself to enjoy.


@ROADRUNNER2022 Ugh you are the sweetest thank you so much I needed this affirmation truly❤️❤️❤️


this message may be offensive
You know, guys, I've debated for so long whether to address this point or to keep it to myself, and I've decided not to give a shit anymore since these are my stories. 
          I've seen multiple comments on you guys expressing annoyance and sometimes hatred towards characters (Hazel especially) and I'm all for it, go at it, say your peace, the whole point about putting my stories on here was to learn everyone's different perspectives and opinions and to accept it because I can't change how you view things and I'm cool with that I dont want all of you to see what I see. 
          But when seeing comments that go beyond expressing slight anger, it pushes the limit for me and what criticismis suppose to be like. I fucking despise rude comments and pushing over the limit. Be mindful of what you say is all I'm asking because I'm not afraid to call you out on it.


Heyyyyy My Loves!!!
          I can't believe I'm saying this but it has finally come to the end of a great story that I have been writing about for the past four and a half years. It is very sad but happy moment for me to put this world that I created to rest as its time is finally over. After chapter 58 there will be one more and the final Epilogue:) I wasn't quite sure how to end chap 58 since I didn't want to drag it anymore than I have and we all love some good smut so I knew that would entice ur dirty minds;) 
          I honestly could go on for hours about this the Young Love series and how much I've grown along aide it but, I need to keep this short and brief for your sake and mine!!
          I have some very exciting news coming up this summer that I will be announcing very soon on my Instagram so definitely stay tuned for that!
          Stay close by for the next last two chapters❤️❤️


@Ana583826 Thank u so much for finding interest in reading my books!!!!


Awww I’m so sad that you’re leaving but thank you for all the amazing stories you’ve made and let us enjoy.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️