So my first post to you guys - hey! Long time now talk! Hope you’re all well :)
If anyone still follows me and would like and update on my life or a reason for lack of posting, here goes: life at university got rough. I was dealing with a lot of toxic situations I had to get myself out of before I could think of doing anything else.
I finally had a chance to sit down and start writing again only to find out that my phone had deleted all of my notes that had several chapters of Breathin, bonus chapters of Only You and two stories I was working on - a mafia one and a werewolf one I was super invested in.
I fully plan on posting again but it may take a while to get something out to you guys. Meanwhile, let me know if there’s anything in particular you want to read. Want more of Carter and Tom? Their kids? Want a steamy scene between Alice and Peter? A new genre you want me to write about? I’m all ears!
Lots of love xx