
Hey everyone!!! You may or may not remember a Wattpad hit called Twice Taken, the author took it down about 2 years ago, changed her username and created a new account. Well she’s back and she slowly reposting it! Sadly it’s not getting a lot of love because not a lot of people know about it. So support her, show her we care and give it a read! Definitely worth it! Give her lots of love! 
          	KathrynMiehette is her new account 


Hey everyone!!! You may or may not remember a Wattpad hit called Twice Taken, the author took it down about 2 years ago, changed her username and created a new account. Well she’s back and she slowly reposting it! Sadly it’s not getting a lot of love because not a lot of people know about it. So support her, show her we care and give it a read! Definitely worth it! Give her lots of love! 
          KathrynMiehette is her new account 


Just went through and read my story "Who are you" That was the first story I've ever written and honestly happy with how much I think I've improved. For one I'm actually spelling everything out and using proper grammar instead of typing in text language :)