
Hetalia - Germany left for War
          	You came to the train station every day, you'd sit there in the rain awaiting a train that would never come or a train that would not have Ludwig in it, you didn't care for any other train and hoped for the day you'd hear his heavy shoes and raspy laughter beside you once again so that you could melt into his hugs and cry in joy.
          	Sometimes youd bring along Blitz or Pepper, they would lay on the ground beside your feet and wait for their owner to return, sometimes little children would run out of a train and begin to laugh hapily at the sight of a dog and would scratch them behind the ears before a apologetic parent would pick them up or drag them away and leave you to wait alone.
          	One day you came to the train station late and picked up the pace, dashing up the steps before turning the corner and spotting a dash of white hair and a tall silhouette, something tucked under their shoulder. You held your hands over your mouth before breathing deeply and calling out "Gilbert, is that you?" They turned around and looked at you, they were beginning to grow a bit of a beard on their face and their features were outlined in scars; his eyes still warm and welcoming yet much sadder .
          	"Frau?" He slowly begun to walk over to you but you dashed forwards to give him a hug, he did not wrap his hands back around you; it felt so cold and wrong you wanted to puke.
          	You looked up at him and he stared back at you in sadness, you let go of him and he corrected his trench-coat before handing you a gun that he had in his hand; the one that was previously tucked under his shoulder.
          	Ingrained on it was "Auf Wiedersehen" and you took it from him slowly, staring down at the charred wood grip and sleek metal before shoving the gun back into his chest and storming away.
          	You opened the door to the house, you sat against the door with the dogs cuddled into your shoulders; awaiting your War Hero.


Hetalia - Germany left for War
          You came to the train station every day, you'd sit there in the rain awaiting a train that would never come or a train that would not have Ludwig in it, you didn't care for any other train and hoped for the day you'd hear his heavy shoes and raspy laughter beside you once again so that you could melt into his hugs and cry in joy.
          Sometimes youd bring along Blitz or Pepper, they would lay on the ground beside your feet and wait for their owner to return, sometimes little children would run out of a train and begin to laugh hapily at the sight of a dog and would scratch them behind the ears before a apologetic parent would pick them up or drag them away and leave you to wait alone.
          One day you came to the train station late and picked up the pace, dashing up the steps before turning the corner and spotting a dash of white hair and a tall silhouette, something tucked under their shoulder. You held your hands over your mouth before breathing deeply and calling out "Gilbert, is that you?" They turned around and looked at you, they were beginning to grow a bit of a beard on their face and their features were outlined in scars; his eyes still warm and welcoming yet much sadder .
          "Frau?" He slowly begun to walk over to you but you dashed forwards to give him a hug, he did not wrap his hands back around you; it felt so cold and wrong you wanted to puke.
          You looked up at him and he stared back at you in sadness, you let go of him and he corrected his trench-coat before handing you a gun that he had in his hand; the one that was previously tucked under his shoulder.
          Ingrained on it was "Auf Wiedersehen" and you took it from him slowly, staring down at the charred wood grip and sleek metal before shoving the gun back into his chest and storming away.
          You opened the door to the house, you sat against the door with the dogs cuddled into your shoulders; awaiting your War Hero.


Hetalia - Prussia left for War
          As you awaited his return you failed to notice as months dragged behind you and the new year was beginning, you glanced out the window of your home and at the busy street full of sports cars; It never felt like a war.
          You begun to slowly walk down the stairs before noticing a darkening silhouette behind the glass before knocking on the door, you took quicker strides down the stairs and missed a few steps along the way.
          After reaching the door you swung it open but held onto it in case you fainted or had to hold yourself from crying, you expected your lovable albino standing there with a toothy grin and eyes watering; for him to hug to and to drag you inside so that he may share stories with you but the cold air blew past the door freezing your ankles and keeping you in place.
          In your hands were placed a trench-coat that was slightly damp from the rain and the stench of blood, sown patches of material or bullet holes littering the fabric; a plastic bag with medals and a dry envelope that was placed into your grasp, Your warm fingers turning cold.
          The man said his farewell and left, you carefully closed the door and walked over to the steps to sit down; you placed the envelope and bag beside you while you held the coat in your hands and cried into it. The smell and warmth it once gave off; Gilberts hugs ingrained into your mind.
          You never read the envelope, you considered burning it but dropped it into the bag with the medals before storing it away; you hung Gilbert's trench coat by the door where it usually always hung and would avoid looking at it